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Christ Church C of E VC Infant School

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Internet safeguarding info for parents

At Christ Church Infant School we take all aspects of children’s safety very seriously and this includes the use of ICT and the Internet. All staff share the responsibility for teaching children safe use practices and for monitoring these practices during the school day.


As most children also have access to the Internet outside school, our aim is to support parents and carers with safe practises at home and to ensure children are confident in knowing what to do if something goes wrong or worries them.


Our Statement of Intent:


  • To keep children safe when accessing the Internet whilst at the same time teaching them how to keep themselves safe independently so that they become confident in practical ways to protect themselves.


Internet Safety at CCI:


  • We lead a whole school assembly every term based on a range of Internet Safety issues.
  • Every term in class we spend time looking at e-safety and ways in which we can be safe online both at home and school. We encourage children to talk about their use of technology in real life contexts. The planning has been written by our Lead Digital Engineer and is specific for our age children.
  • We write a practical support guide newsletter every term for all Parents/Carers based on current trends, online concerns and specific Internet Safety issues.  This is available at the end of term on each Newsletter.
  • Each year we celebrate ‘Internet Safety Day’. We spend the day taking part in enjoyable technological activities which gives children an opportunity for discussions and links to online safety.

CCI Online Safety News Letters

CCI ICT Safety Documents and Presentations

Useful Internet Safety Websites
