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A Big Goodbye to Mrs Orr

It seems far too soon to be telling you this as it won’t happen until July but unfortunately we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Jackie Orr, our fantastic School Business Manager, at the end of the academic year.  Mrs Orr has been appointed as Senior Finance Lead Officer for the Academies Enterprise Trust, a group of 58 schools.  This is a huge promotion and a very well deserved reward for all her hard work at CCI.  Jackie has been by my side in the office for the past 5 years, as Clerk to Governors since 2013 and I shall miss her terribly on a personal and professional level.  She has been instrumental in making sure that our limited school budget has balanced each year, managing our school refurb a few years ago, helping us get through the ransomware attack and helped us navigate the minefield that COVID has brought. 


We will be advertising this post on Eteach very soon so please share it when you see it on our Facebook page and get in touch if you are interested in this post and wish to discuss this with me. 
