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Christ Church C of E VC Infant School

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Christians Against Poverty (CAP)

This week we had a special Collective Worship (assembly) to learn about the brilliant work that CAP do and heard directly from one of our parents, Leyla Fellows, who works for the charity.  The message I wanted the children to take away was that everyone needs help every now and then and even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference to someone.  I encouraged the children to come home and ask to donate one item each to help improve Christmas for people or to use their own money to buy something small to donate.  I did tell them not to worry if they aren’t allowed or can’t do this but I hope you’ll help us to help others.  Instead of running a community kitchen this school holiday we have several systems of donating food and gifts in place and I would urge you to let someone in school know if you are struggling this Christmas and need help.  We have lots of families from CCI who attend Grace Church making donations, CAP are supporting several of our families with your wonderful donations and staff are also collecting goodies to share. We also have food vouchers for all of our families who receive Pupil Premium Funding and will give away the generous donation of Tesco Vouchers from Jason Iles to families who we think might need these.
