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Christ Church C of E VC Infant School

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Parent Council 23.11.20

Parent Council 23.11.20


Attended: Anna Martin, Jo Dyer, Jenna Lovegrove, Stacey Hunt


Having teacher email addresses is super helpful - prevents them being bombarded on the door. Parents fed back that responses from staff were timely.


Parents Evening – feedback about Zoom meetings is great. Lots preferred these over coming into the school. Less stressful for the kids and adults. Hopefully it was for the teachers. If we are back to normal by the next one we will offer Zoom, phone call or face to face in school.


Some class doors have been opening late in the morning and at the end of the day. A reminder about junior siblings to be near the front for those who need to rush off to the junior. The doors opening late in the morning have created overcrowding whilst waiting and people are getting late for work.


Communication about Giraffe class was really good – well managed by the school.


Parents have really appreciated all the fun things recently for the kids.

The Panto, Andy and the odd socks have gone down really well.

They will LOVE the snow machine.

Can we do more performances like the Panto rather than trips.


Quality of lunches – lack of healthy options and variety. The restricted menu is due to COVID and having to provide table service due to children having to stay in bubbles. We have fed this back to Integra and they will make some tweaks.


Remote learning for locked down classes – we discussed whether the infants should move towards Google Classroom or not. AM to take feedback from parents at CCJ and Giraffe Class to see what they thought. So far the video lessons we have done have gone down really well.


Website – AM asked the parents to think about the website before the next meeting to gain feedback for GJ. The thing they said they felt people used it most for was before selecting school. May be useful if all home learning and Apps were on there.


Flu Vaccine – please could the office staff write names and classes on the envelope so that we can contact anyone who hasn’t returned it to check they haven’t forgotten.


What other moments of joy could we provide?

Forest schools

More pantos

Silent discos



Parents are smoking right outside the school gates – please can they be asked to move away slightly so children don’t have to walk past that, see that.
