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Term 2 quick updates

Term 2 
Day 1 Monday 4th November

Under the Stars Topic
To launch our topic of Under the Stars which will be focusing on immersing the children in rich stories and drama we will be holding a story telling day and would like the children to come to school in nightwear such as pyjamas and onesies. These need to be practical and thy should wear shoes not slippers and be able to go to the toilet easily! 


Day 2 Tuesday 5th November 
Pantomime in school - Jack and the Beanstalk
To continue with the storytelling theme we have booked the fabulous theatre company we used last year to bring to life the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. Last year we were all wowed by the Panto at school and it really did feel like a proper visit to the theatre so we hope you won’t mind paying for this. You should see a payment request via the new school app of £3.60 per child. We will not make any profit from this event and will just be covering the cost of the production. 

