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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Swimming Pool – Can you help?

    Mon 01 Feb 2021

    During a 'normal' year our children would have the opportunity to have one of their PE sessions as a swimming session.  

    Our regular hirer, First Stroke Swimming pool is looking to support us in making improvements to our pool so it can continue for years to come.  A new pool liner, fix the leaks, insulation, cladding is going to be fitted as stage one of the improvements, which our hirer will pay for, with a reduced rental fee from us, for the course of the next year.  We cannot afford to do the pool ourselves, so we are delighted that our hirer has given this opportunity.

    This is in itself is simply amazing, but there is something that we are on the look-out for, we need some stainless steel steps to get in and out of the pool.  (two sets ideally, but one set would be perfect).  Do you or know anyone, who could engineer/whittle/craft/make a set of steps?  If you do, then please get in touch:
  • February half-term

    Mon 01 Feb 2021

    Schools will close as usual over February half-term and we are not expected to remain open to vulnerable children and the children of critical workers during that week. We will also not be providing lunch parcels over the half term but South Glos will be issuing vouchers during the February half-term.  These are the same as the Christmas vouchers.  

    As a school we have also applied for the Covid Winter Grant Scheme, the maximum we can apply for is £1000, if successful we will be contacting families to collect the vouchers, we may be issued with £50 shopping vouchers for Tesco.  

    Your child does not have to be eligible for Free school meals, you could be working and finding it really tough, please speak to us if you are finding it tricky and we can see what we can do to support you.

  • National Well-being Week

    Mon 01 Feb 2021

    This week is national well-being week so we will be sharing activities and videos with you that the staff have put together to make you feel happy and to give you a 'lift'. With this newsletter we have also shared a well-being calendar so you can choose some activities to do if you feel the need to mix it up and do something positive.

    I will also be planning some activities for the staff to do to reflect on how brilliant they are, how to stay positive and to show love and thanks to each other.

    Some well-being ideas that I find work for my family:

    • Force some daily exercise even when no-one wants to go.  Even if this is a 30 minute walk in the rain and dark after tea - it genuinely will make you all feel slightly better and able to face the next day.
    • If your children are struggling to switch off and sleep try putting on some 'sleep meditation for children' on YouTube.  These work a treat with my children and really does lead to a calmer bedtime and they fall asleep much more quickly.  I usually pop it on my phone and put my phone face down and well out of reach after a couple of stories with me.
    • Try and make a routine but also know when to ditch it and just let the kids play or have some down time.  Some battles aren't worth having.
    • Build in some small rewards and try and switch from being negative and ‘nagging’ to praising the positives - I speak from experience and have to work hard at reversing this in my house. This can simply be that you agree 3 things that you want to see daily and they tick it when done.  Things like getting their own snacks, getting dressed without arguing and doing their best learning.  You can then reward with free things like staying up for an extra 5 minutes, having 5 minutes extra screen time or something they enjoy like a TV programme or game. Try to reward the positives rather than take things away.  It also works best for me if both children earn the points for each other when one does something good so that it doesn't become a competition and they support each other to do well.
    • If you are home alone with your child/children try and force yourself to get in touch with a friend or family member each day.  I hate talking on the phone but when I make myself call someone it does make me feel better.
    • Try and do one activity each day that promotes your own and the children’s well-being.  I am recording some short video clips and sending these to you but you can also look these up.  They are better if children don't have to write anything and can simply be a breathing exercise, thinking about what makes them happy or what they are good at or doing something for someone else.  
  • Staff Testing

    Mon 01 Feb 2021

    This week as a school staff team, we started doing the Covid Lateral Flow Tests (LFD) at home, thanks to our NHS families and senior school parents who told us that they are not pleasant, we can now completely agree!  The reason for school staff to be taking the tests is to try to successfully detect COVID-19 in asymptomatic individuals. Lateral flow tests are designed to detect the level of virus in individuals who do not experience and show any symptoms, but who could still be infectious and pass the virus to others. By taking a test, we are helping to stop the spread of the virus and protect others.  From our first ‘run’ on Wednesday all of us were negative.  May this continue!
