This information is intended to provide information to pupils, parents and carers about what to expect from our Remote Learning where national or local restrictions require entire classes to remain at home. For details of what to expect where individual pupils are self-isolating, please see the final section of this webpage.
Please contact Mr Jones (the Remote Learning Lead) if you have any questions via email:
At Christ Church C of E VC Infant School (CCI), we aim to continue to provide an ambitious and broad curriculum in all subjects wherever possible. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, in PE we have provided links to a range of websites that offer a diet of physical activity rather than recording and sharing PE sessions from within school.
At CCI the children are expected to work for at least 3 hours a day. This should provide enough time for the children to access the daily live call with their teacher, the teaching videos for Maths and English, time for reading using Bug Club or home books and also allow time for the independent work to be completed. CCI will also provide additional Remote Learning content for the wider curriculum areas.
If parents feel that the school are not providing a suitable quantity and quality of remote learning, then we would encourage them in the first instance raise their concerns with the class teacher or Mrs Martin (headteacher) via email.
Through the various surveys that we have asked parents to complete, we have managed to ensure that every child at CCI has now got a way to access their Remote Learning. Where necessary, this has included loaning Internet enabled devices and Internet data access points. If you find that your child is no longer able to access the Remote Learning then please contact the school and ask to speak to Mr Jones who is key contact in relation to Remote Learning. We have endeavoured to provide online resources that are accessible on as a wide range of devices as possible.
As a school we have subscribed to a number of online resources, such as the ones listed below, Click on the logos to visit the websites to find out more about each one and what they offer.
If your child is unable to login to any of the resources that we have provided for any reason, then please let your child’s class teacher know via email and we will work to resolve the issue as quickly as we possibly can.
Every Friday, an overview of the coming weeks learning will be sent to parents via email. The overview contains a timetable of the daily activities that are expected to be completed by the children as well as links to the teaching videos that have been recorded for each session by a class teacher. We have used this method as we felt that for the age of the children in the school that this was the simplest and most effective method of enabling access to the resources that we offer.
A typical day of Remote Learning will include:
Please note that printable materials may be provided as part of the daily lesson resource pack but the teachers will always aim to provide a way that the task can be completed without any printing as we realise that most households do not have access to a reliable printer and less paper is also better for the environment.
The children are expected to engage with all elements of the Remote Learning offer but we do understand that this may not necessarily look the same for each child due to their family situation. We would recommend that families spend a little time developing their own timetable for the Remote Learning that can fit in with work patterns and other pressures that may be at home. It is also important that the children have regular breaks and the chance to get outside to exercise.
We would ask that parents write a brief email to the class teacher to let them know how their child is getting on with their learning. It can be very helpful for the teacher if parents are able to attach a photograph of the child’s learning so that they can see the quality of what is being produced. The class teacher will then regularly email feedback to the parent about the child’s progress and offer guidance on what children need to work on next.
At the end of each week the children in Key Stage One will take an online quiz that provides feedback to the teachers about the work that has been completed. This includes an indicator about the amount of times that the child has read, how often they have engaged with the online resources as well as answering individual questions related to the objectives covered in the Remote Learning that week. This information is then used to assess the level of engagement of each child. In the Reception classes the teachers and parents use the online portal - Evidence Me to communicate the level of Remote Learning that has happened at home.
In the Reception classes the teachers and parents use the assessment, observation and reporting app - Evidence Me. In class, teachers capture photographic evidence of the children's learning which is uploaded into the app. The teachers then link the EYFS statements to each observation and these observations are shared with parents termly. During periods of Remote Learning, parents use the same app to take observations of their children carrying out their learning at home. Teachers will log in to the app to approve the learning and feedback to the parents; this is carried out daily with next steps each week. Teachers can also link statements to the observations carried out by parents which further supports the assessment of the children.
During the week a member form the child’s class will try to make contact with the parents to check in with them about how things are going at home. Where it is noted that a child is not engaging sufficiently with their Remote Learning then these families will be prioritised and support put in place to help the child reengage in their Remote Learning.
We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access the Remote Learning without support from adults at home. All of the children with an EHCP will be provided with a place in school due to the high level of their needs and children with SEN+ will receive twice weekly phone calls and differentiated planning and lessons. The majority of the children that are registered as Pupil Premium will also be in school and their families will be provided with Food boxes and vouchers to help them to cope during this period of lock down. Our school SENDCO and PP lead, Mrs Dickinson, will also be in regular contact with families to offer support and advice. Daily 1:1 live remote lessons are also provided for any vulnerable children who cannot attend school for health reasons.
Where individual pupils need to self-isolate but the majority of their peer group remains in school, how remote education is provided will differ from the approach for whole groups. This is due to the challenges of teaching pupils both at home and in school.
Scenario 1: A child is isolating/shielding for 2 weeks
Scenario 2: A class closes and staff are well (if staff are unwell, school planning can just be shared)
Scenario 3: All schools close locally/nationally (apart from for critical worker children)
See the first part of this webpage for a detailed breakdown of our Remote Learning offer.