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Christ Church C of E VC Infant School

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School Improvement Plan

Each year we write a School Improvement Plan (SIP) so that, as a school, we have a clear strategic plan of how to further improve CCI.  We use information gathered from our monitoring and assessment and internal and external review to help us to identify our priorities as well as considering staff and pupil well-being as high priorities.  Our Christian ethos, vision and values underpin all that we do strategically and our vision of  being 'a Caring community, Courageously learning, Inspired to live life to the full' is always the starting point for any school improvement. The SIP is a working document that we review and update regularly and it is also shared with all stakeholders. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

School Improvement Plan 2024-25


Please click on the link below to view our 2024-25 School Improvement Plan.

Our main priorities this year are;


  • To increase the number of children achieving the expected standard in writing, using a mastery approach to writing and reducing the cognitive load.
  • All children will be able to retain key facts in RE by the end of the year and be able to recall these after extended periods of time.
  • Children will be able to understand spirituality and know they need to look after their mind, body and soul.
    They will be able to explore how they feel, connect and wonder about themseles, others, the world and beyond.
  • All staff will demonstrate consistently high expectations of behaviour for all children and these to mirror the expectations at CCJ in an age-appropriate way.
  • Improved transition for children and families from CCI to CCJ, with a focus on SEMH support and subject leadership.

School Improvement Plan 2024-25

School Improvement Plan 2022-23

School Improvement Plan 2021-22

School Improvement Plan 2020-21

School Improvement Plan 2019/20
