Our SENDCo is Mrs Rylands and she can be contacted by phoning the school on 01454-866562 or by email at jenni.rylands@sgmail.org.uk - while she is in school all week she is currently out of class on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
At Christ Church CE VC Infant School we embrace the face that every child is different and unique. We aim to meet each child’s individual needs and enable them to develop a positive self-image, regardless of their ability or level of attainment. We strongly believe all children should be equally valued and feel safe in school and be fully included within our school community. We strive to offer a well-balanced, challenging, enquiry led curriculum for all children providing a range of opportunities for children to reach their full potential. We won’t treat children all the same way, instead as an attachment aware school, we respond to the children in ways that will take into account their varied experiences and needs. We believe it is important that children gain skills, knowledge and confidence that can be applied to all learning experiences, including social, physical and spiritual development.
Click on the links below to find specific information related to SEND