The School Day
Our school day can vary depending on what the curriculum includes but here is a guide to what a typical day will look like for EYFS, Y1 and Y2.
- 8.40am - School opens
- 8.50am - Registration
- 9.00am - Learning session 1
- 10.00am - snack time with milk/water and story
- 10.15am - Playtime
- 10.30am - Collective Worship/Assembly in the hall
- 10.45am - Learning session 2
- 12.10pm - Lunchbreak
- 1.10pm - Afternoon lessons. There is often an afternoon break, especially for EYFS children. The second snack is either in the middle of the afternoon or at 3pm
- 2.55pm - Snack and story
- 3.10pm - Home time