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I want to know who the governors at CCI are

Governors 2023-24


Anna Martin

Name: Anna Martin

Position: Head, ex officio

Responsibilities/Link Roles: Strategic, FS&P, S&C, FGB, Ethos

Term of Office: 28/3/12-

Business/Personal Pecuniary Interests: None declared

Governor in another institution: No.

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB/Committee)

Gareth Jones

Name: Gareth Jones 

Position: Deputy Head Co-Opt Governor

Responsibilities/Link Roles: S&C, Ethos, FGB

Term of Office: 01/09/20 - 31/08/24

Business/Personal Pecuniary Interests: None declared

Governor in another institution: No.

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB/Committee)

Chris Douglas

Name: Chris Douglas 

Position: Co-Opt Governor (Chair)

Responsibilities/Link Roles: Chair FGB

Term of Office: 02/09/23-01/09/26

Business/Personal Pecuniary Interests: Child in school

Governor in another institution: No

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB/Committee): 

Jacky Wood

Name: Jacky Wood 

Position: Co-Opt Governor

Responsibilities/Link Roles: 

Term of Office: 20/3/21-19/3/24

Business/Personal Pecuniary Interests: None declared

Governor in another institution: No

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB/Committee): 

Amelia Gould

Name: Amelia Gould 

Position: Staff Governor

Responsibilities/Link Roles: 

Term of Office: 01/09/20 - 01/09/24

Business/Personal Pecuniary Interests:  None declared

Governor in another institution: No.

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB/Committee): 

Name: Robin Butcher 

Position: Parent Governor

Responsibilities/Link Roles: 

Term of Office: 15/05/21 - 14/05/25

Business/Personal Pecuniary Interests: Child in School

Governor in another institution: No

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB/Committee): 

Amanda Bowden

Name: Amanda Bowden 

Position: Foundation Governor


Term of Office: 18/03/21 - 17/03/25

Business/Personal Pecuniary Interests: Children at the school

Governor in another institution: No

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB/Committee): 

Jenny Shppard

Name: Jenny Sheppard 

Position: Foundation Governor


Term of Office: 24/06/21 - 23/06/25

Business/Personal Pecuniary Interests: None declared

Governor in another institution: No

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB/Committee):  

Name: Reuben Holt 

Position: Co-Opt Governor (Vice Chair)

Responsibilities/Committees: Vice Chair FGB

Term of Office: 21/09/22 - 20/09/25

Business/Personal Pecuniary Interests: Children at the school

Governor in another institution: No

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB/Committee):  

Name: Alicia Ancel-Browne 

Position: Co-Opt Governor


Term of Office: 21/09/22 - 20/09/25

Business/Personal Pecuniary Interests: Children at the school

Governor in another institution: No

Meetings attended in previous academic year (FGB/Committee):  
