This term our enquiry will be... Where does our food come from? We launch our enquiry with a food tasting. We hope to introduce children to unusual fruits they may have never tried before and they will also learn about food hygiene.
Their final challenge will be to work together and create food for their families at a year group picnic on the field.
See below our 'enquiry page' which shares this learning.
We have now completed phase 2 and 3 of letters and sounds. This term we will be continuing our work on phase 4 and a focus on consonant blends and clusters such as cl, st, nd, nk.
These are the sounds the children have be taught and we continue to practise daily:
Phase 2: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, g, o, c, ck, e, u, r, h, b, f, ff, l, ll ss
Phase 3: j, v, w, x, y, z, zz qu, ch, sh, th, ng, ai, ee, igh, oa, oo, ar, or, ur, ow, oi, ear, air, ure, er
Reading Logs and books
It is important that you read with your child at least five times a week and please write a simple comment or even just add a signature in their books. Children continue to bring home key words as more 'tricky words' are introduced in phase 4. Please continue to practise these as you read as this really supports their fluency.
We change books as much as possible but please logon to Bug Club to see more books and also online games that may interest them. The login's can be found on the inside cover of your child's reading log and these are regularly updated as they improve in their reading and need more of a challenge.
Home Learning
This term, we will be sending home spellings. These will be sent home weekly on a Friday and you will find these in your childs' reading log. Support to practise these are found in the Writing Support booklet shared at Parents Evening and attached as a PDF below. We will not be formally testing pupils on these but engaging them with games and activities in school which will further the support you give them at home to improve their writing and spelling as they move to the Year 1 curriculum.
Useful documents