Not only is next week the fantastic topic launch for those children returning to school but it is also British Science Week (5th - 14th March). The theme this year is 'innovating for the future'. In keeping with this theme and also linking to our topic of survival, the children will be asked to think about how they could survive on Mars. They will design and make their own space stations using junk modelling. Therefore, over the next few days could you please keep any cardboard boxes, toilet rolls, yoghurt pots or plastic containers that you could save from your recycling and send into school to help the children with their projects. We hope to make the week as fun as possible with practical experiments and cross-curricular links to science. We will be talking about fascinating people in science and engineering that have made such a difference to our lives. Through story time, we hope to share some inspiring stories around this theme. If your child has a book they would love to share, they are welcome to bring these into school.