Just a reminder that this week in school is sports week!
We have an action packed week planned for the children (we are praying for dry weather!) so please can children come dressed in sports kit every day – this doesn’t need to be school PE uniform. We realise it is too much to wash and dry their school sports clothes every night so something comfortable that the children can run around in and trainers would be great!
Tuesday is sports day however, so coloured tops on this day please. (Unfortunately no parents invited in this year). Children will also need a water bottle, sun hat and sun cream applied before school please if it is hot.
We are kicking off the week with a visit from 3 Bristol Rovers’ coaches and some rugby training from ex-professional rugby player and current Head Coach for Rosslyn Park - Jonathan Mills on Monday. We also have a Tokyo Olympics day amongst other things and plenty more sporting visitors throughout the week.
Huge thanks to Mrs Botteley for planning such an inspiring week and we really hope the children will have lots of fun and be inspired to try something new!