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Christ Church C of E VC Infant School

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Anti Bullying Week and other dates for your diary

A few dates for you!


Odd socks day on Monday 14th to mark the start of anti-bullying well. No donations needed, this is just for fun to celebrate differences and encourage children to see that they should all be proud of being unique.


Children in Need on Friday 18th November - fundraising is the purpose for children who need support so the children can just wear their own clothes, something spotty or CIN clothing/headwear etc. Please don’t feel you need to buy anything. Face paints welcome. Cash donations or ParentPay will be very gratefully received but there is no need as we know every penny counts at the moment.


Reading Together at CCI on Wednesday 30th November 3.25-3.55pm, Parents are invited back into school with children to read together and get support with reading at home.
