Getting ready for September
Hello everyone!
I hope you have managed to have a break of some sort this summer and to get away for a ‘staycation’ if not abroad.
Over the past week or so I have been busy in school marking up the building and making sure we are ready for a safe return and I can see that lots of staff have been busy returning their classroom to their lovely selves following them being set up for pods. More videos will follow of outside areas when it’s stopped raining.
A few things that have cropped up that I’d like to address;
PE days - is which days should your children wear PE uniform to school?
We won’t be doing PE in the first week just to give ourselves a chance to work out an outdoor timetable and how much we need to clean the hall in between indoor sessions. Therefore we will tell you about your children’s PE days on the Inset Day.
2 snacks
Our fruit and vegetable scheme will be restarting but not until part way through the second week so please send 2 healthy snacks in with your child daily. Things like fruit, crackers, breadsticks are great.
No swimming 😔
We have been told by the LA that all swimming for school children during the school day should not resume until Spring. This sadly means our pool will not be used by our children in the Autumn Term. First Strokes will still rent it at weekends for a while as can have fewer children in the pool at once.
Reception 2021 tours
These may well be done virtually as the LA are advising this is safer and advisable. More info to follow on this once we have made a decision.
Reception 2020 virtual tours of classrooms
We had the flooring replaced over the summer so couldn’t do the videos as planned so these will be done on the Inset day too. Sorry for the delay but it was important for us that the classrooms look as they will for your children when they join us otherwise it would be pointless.
please see our Facebook page for a video of school.
Looking forward to seeing you ALL again soon 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼