Message from South Glos council:
The following are now recognised symptoms of COVID-19:
- a high temperature
- a new, continuous cough
- a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste
If your child has these recognised symptoms, you must inform the school and then get tested. Please book a free coronavirus (COVID-19) test through the online booking portal. This will then give you a range of testing options available in your local area.
These are:
- test centre – booking a test at a drive-in test centre is likely to be the fastest way to get a test and the nearest ones in South Gloucestershire are: Bristol (Bristol Airport) or Gloucester (Hempstead Meadow) online booking portal
- home test kit – parents or carers can order a home test kit for their child or young person online booking portal
- All schools, including our own have been given a very limited stock of home test kits. These will onlybe issued to parents and carers for a child or young person in exceptional circumstances. If you have access as a parent or carer to the internet at home, it would be expected that you would book a test through the online portal in the first instance please.
- We ask that if your child is symptomatic and has a test, if this is negative, you must still notify the school immediately of the outcome. They will then notify Public Health South Gloucestershire to update their records in line with their standard operating procedures.
- We ask that if your child is symptomatic and has a test, if this is positive, you must notify the school immediately of the outcome. They will then notify Public Health South Gloucestershire, the Education department of the Council and the regional PHE health protection team to advise anyone who has come into close contact with your child to self-isolate in line with national guidance; this will be managed sensitively.
- If there were to be any confirmed case with a child or young person in our school, then our leaders will work with Public Health South Gloucestershire, the Education department of the Council and the regional PHE health protection team to advise anyone who has come into close contact with the confirmed case to self-isolate in line with national guidance.