Dear Parents and Carers,
You will know by now that the Government are in the process of making some changes to how schools are to move out of isolation. I wanted to email to let you know what we know and what we are thinking.
At this point we know no more than you but are extremely surprised and disappointed that our Y2s have not been mentioned, especially as this is a transition year for them (although we do recognise that Infant schools are in the minority). We are also surprised that our youngest children have been prioritised as they will definitely find social distancing harder, making this more unsafe and comfortable for staff.
We have been told that we will hear more from the Local Authority tomorrow and I am then talking to our Hub heads on Wednesday to discuss how we may make plans for this possible change.
As soon as I know more I will contact you and inform you of what our plan is.
We are also very aware that not all of you will want to send your children back to school and we will be carrying out a survey once we know more to find out who will so that we have a better idea on numbers. We don’t know this but we assume you won’t be expected to send your children back if you don’t feel it’s safe for them or your family.
As ever my priority is to keep my staff and your children safe so we will be keeping this in the forefront of our minds whilst we make any plans.
Please get in touch if you have any questions and we will do our best to answer them.
Kind regards,
Anna Martin