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Christ Church C of E VC Infant School

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Mon 12th & Wed 14th July 3.20-4pm Visit new classes for YR, Y1 and Y2

Please chose ONE of the dates above to collect your child from school (and junior siblings first if you need to) and then go to your child’s new class after school to meet the new staff. 


You do not have to stay for the full amount of time, in fact its better if you don’t to reduce numbers of people inside.   We have two dates available so that hopefully every parent can attend – this is not designed for you to go twice.  This is the time to introduce yourself to the teachers as they will have already met your child on Friday 9th July.   The animals are all shown above the classroom doors so you should be able to find them ok.


Our new reception children have booked spaces, so we could limit numbers, this was via Eventbrite, you will have been emailed your tickets.
