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Keep up to date with all the latest news happening in school at the moment.

  • Flu immunisation forms

    Mon 05 Oct 2020 Lucy May
    If you still need to a return a Flu immunisations form please get it back to the school office by Friday 9th October.
    Please note we do not have the luxury of chasing individual children's parents/carers for the return of these forms as they are returned in the envelope, confidentially to the NHS.  
  • Data Collection Forms

    Mon 05 Oct 2020 Lucy May
    You should all have received your child's data collection form home.
    Please can you return it to us asap so we can have your child's record up to date.  
    Even if there are no changes please check, sign and return. Thank you to everyone who has returned them so far, we really appreciate your help with this. 
  • Real life Super Hero Day 22/10/2020

    Sun 04 Oct 2020 A Martin

    Real life Super Hero dressing up day - Thursday 22nd October (last day of term for children)


    To celebrate the end of our topic this term we are planning a fun-filled day in each class with practical real life super hero activities, and each class having their own focus depending on what they have been learning. This is when we’d usually invite families in to celebrate their learning but we can’t do this at the moment. 


    The staff are all going to dress up as real life superheroes such as NHS staff but children can go for any super hero costume you may have or outfits such as NHS staff, people who changed/made Black History such as Rosa Parks, firefighters, police officers, supermarket staff, refuse lorry drivers or even Captain Tom! Or be creative - anyone who is a hero to them!


    You are very welcome to make donations of £1 to the school to help us with fundraising but this is not the point of the day. It is all about us celebrating having been back together, having fun whilst learning and ending term 1 in style.


    Please do not feel you need to buy costumes, a cape made from a sheet and face painted mask would do! 

    The staff are bound to have some spare costumes too so if you are struggling please let us know.

    Hope you had a great weekend,

    Anna Martin

  • Thank you - School Census

    Fri 02 Oct 2020

    Thank you.

    Thank you to all the children and their families for the support in our school census day,  we had a whopping 197 children take a meal. 


    I have to say there was much excitement as Mrs Martin was in charge of the ketchup during the children’s lunch time!


    Mrs Orr


  • Hot chocolate Fridays

    Fri 02 Oct 2020

    Hot chocolate Fridays


    Some of you will remember that before lockdown I used to invite a child from each class to have milkshake and biscuits with me on Fridays as a very special reward and to motivate everyone to have better behaviour.


    This was introduced as part of our new behaviour strategy to focus on rewarding positive behaviour and to reward children for going 'above and beyond'. Each week staff would choose the person they felt most deserved this. This was often children who behave brilliantly all of the time, for being consistently ready, respectful and safe and doing their best with their learning regardless of the outcome.


    We also try to recognise children who have managed to improve their behaviour but this has to be consistently better for a significant amount of time before we recognise that in this way (there are lots of other ways we do this too).


    Sadly because we are trying to keep classes apart due to COVID I can no longer do this but Alana in Zebra Class made a suggestion that inspired me to find another way to say well done.


    From next week I shall be sending home a little bag to a child in each class that include some goodies for your child to enjoy - a hot chocolate, some marshmallows and biscuits - and it shall include a certificate explaining what they have been noticed for.


    This isn't quite the same experience as milkshake with me (some may prefer it though!) and I will really miss chatting to the children and saying well done in person but I thought it would be the next best thing.


    If your child receives one of these bags please make sure you say a huge well done as this is a very special reward for a brilliant achievement - something I would be extremely proud of if my own children received it.


    Mrs Martin

    (I will wear gloves and a mask when I prepare these in a sterile area and it would be advisable to let them self clean for 72 hours.)

  • Changes to drop off and pick up

    Fri 02 Oct 2020

    Please see below the changes we have had to make and any updates to drop-off and pick-up;


    Tiger Class drop-off and pick-up will change to the door that is by the scooter and bike shelter near the office.  This will be at the same time and will hopefully make the playground less congested.


    Lion and Panda parents please use the whole playground to wait in at these times rather than just the front part.  The tyres are just guidance for the children at playtimes.


    We are having lots of reports of children playing on equipment before school so Mr Jones and I will be in the playground reminding children not to do this as it compromises our zoned areas at playtimes. We don't want to stop children using this equipment during the day but will have to if it doesn't improve.  I know it's so hard but please teach all of your children, including younger and older siblings, that they need to stand by you and not use it. If you arrive just before the doors open and leaving promptly this should be manageable.


    Please only go out of the front entrance if you are taking a CCJ pupil to school. Please keep to the left if you are doing this. I know the playground is congested and tricky to get through so if this is the case then please double back on yourself from the playground and leave by going past the office and Zebra Class.  This way should be quieter.


    Only one adult per family must come onto the site please - I do understand why more come as it is lovely to drop off and collect your children but if you want to join them for the walk please then wait outside the gates while the other adult deliver them to the classes.  This will make the site much quieter.


    Cheetah Class will be better to go past the office and around Zebra Class now that the timings have changed and hopefully this will ease congestion by Crocodile Class.


    Please can all parents and carers think about where they are standing to let other people through.  

    Everyone is welcome to wear a mask if they feel vulnerable and just remember that although you may not be worried or vulnerable, someone else may be. Please try to maintain social distancing at all times. 


    Remember this isn't forever and you all play a part in making this run more smoothly.  Sorry to be a nag!
    Mrs Martin
